
Que "fixe"...

Pois, mais um post inspirado por essa maravilha tecnológica do século passado: a televisão a cores!

Agora que penso nisso, a televisão a preto e branco também poderia ter resultado para este efeito.

Aqui há uns tempos, estava eu a ver o Tonight Show with Jay Leno, doravante referido por Programa do Jay Leno, quando, nas legendas, todas as instâncias da palavra cool são traduzidas por cool, em itálico e tudo. Na altura pensei, "Homessa! Então mas nós não temos uma palavra nossa para "cool"? Que diabo aconteceu ao "fixe", ao "porreiro" e, num sentido mais estrito, ao "baril"?" Na altura fiquei com ganas de fazer aqui um post, mas achei que não tinha material suficiente.

Hoje, também a ver o Programa do Jay Leno, a palavra cool voltou a ser utilizada. Repetidamente. E todas as suas intâncias foram legendadas como "fixe", com aspas e tudo. A esta altura estão a pensar, "Safa, que o gajo é difícil de agradar!" Mas não, meus amigos, estou satisfeito, mas gostava de saber para quê as aspas. Então agora aquilo que os anglófonos (pronto, está bem, os Americanos) acham que é cool não pode ser fixe, mas sim "fixe"? Serão aspas irónicas, a gozar com os súbditos do Sr. Bush? Ou as aspas têm o significado da expressão "entre aspas", querendo dizer "não exactamante fixe, mas mais ou menos fixe, como que um meio-termo entre o fixe e o não-fixe"?

Já não percebo nada. Não admira que os Havaianos façam piadas à nossa custa.

"Pax" vobiscum atque "vale".

Mais ou menos isso...


Disco-Bar, Google Group

Só um update ao excelentíssimo imperador obni, alterei o grupo de modo a pessoal que não seja membro pode ver o nosso grupo e aceder aos ficheiros (hint hint).
Continuação de umas boas férias gente.

Signing out.


Steam Community

Agora já temos uma espécie de comunidade para os agarrados do steam. Para além do link disponível no título aqui vão estes:

Pois é, agora as choradinhas chegarão ao steam!


SC2 updates ++

A ign tem um artigo com algumas alterações ao jogo;
E tirado dos foruns de starcraft:
- Fog of war is not completely black, you can see the terrain
- Xel'Naga Observatory Towers are not capturable. They only activate and reveal the area when a ground unit is constantly near it.
- When you select a unit, a circle appears around it which shows its range
- You can zoom in of course

- New Salvage ability that sells the current building returning 100% resources, if activated it cannot be stopped
- Reapers are built at the Merc Haven (Bar Building)
- Reapers are pre-built up to 4 units, after you build 4 (very quickly), the units must recharge before being rebuilt
- Reapers throw a mine called D8 Charges/Magnetic Mine that blow up afte a few seconds
- Command Center upgrades to Planetary Fortress or Surveillance Station
- PF and SS cannot be down graded
- PF and SS cannot be lifted off
- Medics are back in; same white suit and shield
- Tech-lab contains all Marine, Medic, Siege Tank, etc upgrades
- New siege tank looks amazing
- Siege Tech upgrade allows Siege Mode
- Two new air units, the Nomad (Vessel Replacement) and the Predator
- Nomad has EMP, can repair air units and Defensive Matrix
- Nomad has no attack
- Defensive Matrix puts an aoe bubble that protects all units from damage inside
- Predator is an Anti-Air ship
- Predator can transform into an Interceptor which blocks/reflects enemy attacks
- Viking is built at Factory and starts in mech form
- Fighter Tech upgrade allows Viking to be air-born
- Banshee attacks ground only, shoots multiple missiles for each attack
- Goliaths are currently not in
- Starport upgrades to a Starbase
- Starbase allows production of units while the building is flying
- Engineering Bay has returned, but can not lift-off
- Armory has returned
- NO ground turret at the moment
- Munitions Depot building added
- Munitions Depot contains Thor upgrades (250mm Cannons)
- Thors are easy to get (Requires Munitions Depot for production)
- Thors missile strike is an upgrade and ability
- Thors are weak against air
- We did not encounter a Ranking/Veterancy system, as of yet
- Deep Space Relay building added
- Deep Space Relay allows production of Battlecruiser
- Battlecruiser requires DSR building
- Battlecruisers now have an AOE move called Plasma Turret
- Battlecruisers individually choose either Yamato Cannon or Plasma Turrets as its super ability
- Battlecruisers shoots many lasers when attacking instead of a single laser
- Shadow Ops building added
- Shadow Ops contain Ghost upgrades and Production (Cloak, Drop Pods, Nuke)
- Ghost requires Shadow Ops building
- Snipe deals 150 damage to an organic unit, command key
- Radar Dome shows units as exclamation marks in fog of war
- Drop pods are in game, drops 6 marines

- Star Relic was renamed to Stasis Orb and does not fly
- Statis Orb is built at a Gateway
- Statis Orb slows down an enemy unit it attacks
- Tempest is now called Carrier
- Carrier is now gold and not silver/gray
- Carrier is now the new Capital Ship
- Carrier is now bigger then the Warpray
- Carrier now carries Interceptors
- Interceptors return to its old form and shoot lasers, No more Shurikens
- Reaver was removed
- Warpray is now silver/gray and of Shakura origin
- Warpray is now smaller then Carrier
- Twilight Archon has no feet and hovers
- Twilight Archon has the feedback ability
- Dark Obelisk does not build DT
- Currently you can have more then 1 Mothership
- Mothership does not have Black Hole
- Mothership has a cloaking field ability
- Mothership Planet Cracker ability now shoots 1 giant laser instead of many
- Stalkers and Immortals are built at Gateway
- Warpgate is an upgrade
- Twilight Council allows production of Stalker, Immortal
- Twilight Council contains upgrades for Stalker, Immortal, Zealot