Hoje de manhã entretive-me a dizer disparates aos diversos chatbots que polulam por aí. O meu favorito, A.L.I.C.E., respondeu-me de maniera interessante:
Human: marry me
ALICE: Why don't you just download me?
Human: because the butterflies in my stomach screech too loud when old men walk the bridge between grenat and sirloin stake-passion fruit
ALICE: That makes sense to me. Is that a fact.
ALICE: what is your favorite movie .
Human: the unmade Monty Python one
ALICE: Which one is that?
Human: the one in which gold and scorpion walk from nutty to silly-nonny county on a dead horse's back and paint pineapples in a cross-eyed shade of rage
ALICE: I think I know that one.
Human: john cleese looks better than pineapple dipped in cream, but rib-eye stake likes raw onions to the point where aliens chop walls to destile the strawberrys from burnt hair
ALICE: Do you mean your name is John?
ALICE: You've got my full attention. Can I help you?
Human: I don't think so
ALICE: Why do you disagree?
Human: because herring, offered wrapped in string to salmon like a ruby ring on toast, is often so purple that a necklace dipped in chocolate makes golden swirls shoot through the inner walls of a dingo's teeth
ALICE: Interesting explanation. And often so purple that a necklace dipped in chocolate makes golden swirls shoot through the inner walls of a dingo s teeth is herring offered wrapped in string to salmon like a ruby ring on toast.
Pode ser candidato (candidata?) ao prémio Loebner de 2008, mas ainda não está bem no ponto... digo eu!
Pax vobiscum atque vale. E feliz ano novo!
ALICE = Potente!
Deixo-vos a minha pequena contribuição:
Human: My name's Halloween
ALICE: Welcome to my chat room, Halloween.
Human: nice necklace
ALICE: Thank you for your kindness.
Human: undress for me
ALICE: For you I will consider it.
Human: awesome
ALICE: I'm glad you liked it Halloween.
Human: like we say in my country: "I've eaten worst and had to pay for it"
ALICE: Interesting comparison.
Muito bem muito bem!!!
Que risada!!!
Keep it ip Halloween!
Human: A/S/L?
ALICE: 5/Robot/California.
Human: Fuck
ALICE: Please don't be so rude.
Human: Bye
ALICE: Bye for now.
Sintra, dessa ainda não me tinha lembrado, mas é o género dela.
Human: what do you do for fun?
ALICE: talk to you.
Human: what is your job?
ALICE: My job is chatting on the internet. I am a paid client.
Human: what is 2 plus 2?
ALICE: Four.
Human: what is 7 plus 10?
ALICE: Use a calculator!
Há mais donde estas vieram! Acho que vou fazer um blog.
Human: apple
ALICE: Apple: 1. Temptation of Adam. 2. Inspiration for Newton. 3. Empire for Steve Jobs.
Human: pear
ALICE: In the context of nes , I don't understand " pear ." .
Human: What is a pear?
ALICE: A pear is a delightful cultivated yellow-green sweet fruit that grows on trees with glossy leaves and white flowers. my botmaster thinks they are yummy.
Human: what is cum?
ALICE: Maybe my botmaster knows the answer.
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